get better slowly.

Naturally we want everything to work out perfectly according to plan. We want outcomes to unfold in our favor and get to where we want to be, as quickly as possible. The Universe has something else in mind. Something a bit more realistic.

Real life is hard and calls for perseverance on a daily basis. Doing the boring tasks that might seem repetitive and time wasters, but they can make all the difference in building something meaningful.

enjoy the ride.

There’s no rush to your destination. In fact, the fun is in the journey. I find myself forgetting this regularly but it’s the truth. It’s fun to learn, build and create. It's a privilege to be able to do whatever it is you want to do. Recently I’ve hit some roadblocks here, because I’ve been working on a few other projects, both for client work and internal investments that need to be tended to.


Avoid comparing yourself with other people. You (should) know not everything is what meets the surface. People are quick to share their highlight reel on social media to promote their ‘perfect life’.

Even today, I was speaking to someone about the stock market and he gave me good feedback on the stocks I suggested. Naturally I shared it on social media. While I did share this as a highlight reel, I also rarely like to post on social media as-is. I regretfully need to stay connected on Instagram simply because I have clientele that is on the platform most. I don’t love when I post, it actually makes me second-guess myself time and again.

putting in effort matters.

While social media might seem fun, it is a major distraction and time waster. It drains your day and puts you at a disadvantage to your better-self. I personally like to take a social media detox at certain points in the year to focus on my priorities at a higher level.

There is no substitute for effort . Those who put in significant amounts of effort reap the benefits over and over again. I’ve been slacking to publish content here because I’ve been trying to publish niche-related content for my personal projects.

While I am confident in the effort I put forth, I also learn that I look in multiple directions and fall in love with a handful of different projects at a time.


downsides of range.

I enjoy variety and freedom to choose between different opportunities or projects along the way. When I learn something new or read an interesting article, my mind starts racing and spits out dozens of different ideas.

I love getting inspired by new ideas, but I am learning the downsides of trying to have extreme range. If you have ever read Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstien, it explains the benefits of having a wide range of talents and disciplines. This is a great book to bounce thoughts and jot down notes, but I also am seeing more value in the power of focus.

During the closing half of this year, I am working on hiring content writers, social media marketers and graphic designers to start outsource some tasks the are required for certain projects. These tasks consume a lot of my time and attention that can be better spent.

I am going to dive in much further on the benefits of range, and the benefits of focus. They can coincide together, but require structure and systems that can be put into place.

If you have any questions or would like to speak more about dialing into a wide range with focused effort, please feel free to reach out.

Thanks for reading.

- mm


growing organically.


small improvements.